living SuccessFULLY in the community
WABN Inaugural Class

United Way of Greenville County Speed Mentoring

Former WNBA Representatives at Ascending Athletes Event

At Mother Emanuel in Charleston, SC as guest of SC Senator Clementa Pinckney

Congressman Scott Speak Not, Act Now Conference UL Hampton Roads

Conversation about money with young people at a church summer camp

International Women's Forum breakfast with Women Athlete Business Network advisors, WNBA players and leadership

Conversing with Senator Tim Scott at Health Care Reform Meeting

Grand Opening of Consumers' Choice Health Plan- Mayor Knox White, Mayor Pro Tem Jil Littlejohn and City Councilmember Lillian Brock Flemming of Greenville, SC

Roland Martin at Urban League of Hampton Roads

Girls Inc. Annual Scholarship Banquet speaker

Interview on 'Need to Know' about Health Care Reform

South Carolina Health Care Reform Forum speaker
Debora Scott Women's Empowerment Dinner Keynote Speaker
Organ Mountain High School women's basketball speaker
WNBA Indiana Fever Speaker
Div. I Men's Basketball Women's Clinic Emcee
New Mexico Broadcaster's Association Excellence in Broadcasting Award- Best Large Market Play-by-Play Award for 2022-23
Treasure Coast Minority Business Expo Featured Coach
NBA Retired Players Association (NBRPA) Legends Brunch Panelist
NCAA Women's Final Four-Retired WNBA Players Panelist
2024 Clara Belle Williams Black Student Association Graduation Keynote Speaker
Minority Business Expo
On air
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